I have often talked about needing a good community of Godly women around my parts of town. I had it once but then we moved... twice... within one year and now after a year of being where we're at I've decided I can't keep praying about finding the right friends but that I just need to get out there and create friendships.
I was blessed the heck out of my weekly Wed night bible study group through my church. I don't where I'd be right now if I wasn't studying through the Psalms with those precious gals. The thing is, it was a mixed group. You know, some my grandmothers age, some my moms age, very few my age. And since the night study was the only one I could attend (due to having a new baby last year and crazy nap schedules) I really didn't have any young moms like me in the group. Plus they all drove in after work from different cities so there wasn't much hang out time afterward.
Even though I didn't hang out with these ladies outside the study, this group held me accountable to constantly being in the word. Learning from each other week after week. It made me more disciplined in taking the time to open God's word and actually study it. To answer the questions given and apply these new lessons to my life.
but like most bible studies there comes summer break. We just recently had our farewell celebration study and couldn't help but cry knowing I wouldn't be seeing these same sweet faces week after week. But a big part of me was sad because I knew that this study played a big part in keeping me in the word daily, so with that sadness grew a little bit of fear. Not knowing whether I would keep at it and if I could last until mid September for the next session of weekly studies.
It's only been three weeks since our last study and I already started to struggle with reading daily. I tried. Like really tried, but sometimes finding the right devotion or the right passage to read to get my day going wasn't as easy as just pulling out my study and getting after it. I felt a pull, and then started getting distracted and instantly prayed that I would keep my focus and that God would remain my priority. And then that day, after this post I kept seeing this hashtag
pop up on my twitter feed from a bunch of new awesome gals I started following due to the Influence Conference I will be attending this fall. I checked out the devotion they were all chatting about because I already had the bible app on my phone, and seriously was blown away with the devotion. It's simple yet ridiculously applicable to your day to day life.
Jessi sums it up like so "We’re reading the Soul Detox bible reading plan on the You Version (lifechurch.tv) Bible reading app. You can get it on your iphone, ipod, or even just online. Then, after reading each day (it’s a fairly short and doable plan!) we’re tweeting, instagramming, sharing our insights with the hashtag #SheReadsTruth. Jump on in and join us; we’re only on day 5 of 31 days. I know that you’ll be blessed."
seriously it's awesome
You can dive in deeper or just read the passage they give you. There is a follow up question about what or how you are applying said scriptures to your life and that is just what this girl needs. So perfect and such in God's timing. I prayed for this and he knew what I needed. Something that I could study and dig into. Psalm 37:4 tells us "If you delight yourself in the Lord, he will give you the desires of your heart."
He knows my desires to have a strong growing community of faithful women around me and my families lives and has blessed me not only with a beautiful online community but most recently with some local amazing gals I'm getting to love more and more.
I have my stand the test of time girlfriends who I adore but it is hard to see weekly and sometimes even monthly when you live a minimum of 45 minutes away.
So this morning I cried tears of joy while going through Day 8 of the study. Because the words jumped out of the screen and into my heart. I was reminded that God hears our cries and knows our needs and even our wants.
Last night I was invited to that random pinterest party I talked about earlier this week, by Kristen a girl I hardly know and was completely blown away by hers and this girls heart for the Lord. I was so encouraged and uplifted and just happy to know that these gals are only minutes from my house.
It's like God said here you go sweet child. Is this what you had in mind? And then I was like whoa Lord this was more than what I even thought.
My heart is full. My old friends, new friends and online community of friends is just a daily reminder of His goodness and how very blessed I am.
the leather pennant necklace is a knockoff of one @ Anthro and the mod podge photo board were just two of the fab DIY's we made at the Pinterest party
So so so happy you're a part of this community! I have been so encouraged by you! Can't wait for Influence!
I'm so grateful for she reads truth and all of the lovely women like you. I just moved to Wisconsin and my husband and I know not a soul. So it is nice to build friendships even if far away.
I want to do this to! I've been praying for a new devotional. My Mom gave me one and half way into the first chapter, I realized I'd already read it a few years ago. Could I do this with you and we could talk about it?
oh my goodness im so excited I learned about this through you! Can't wait to follow along through instagram!
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