today was one of those days where not only did nothing go as planned it kind of went, well... I don't have a word it just kind of threw me a curve ball.
one of those days where you're offering up prayers for strength and patience all. day. long.
I messed up the time of the babes swim class by an hour and a half, which in return had me driving frantically all over to bump my physical therapy appt up, mail orders out sooner and then still manage to be late to my "original" appt time for swim.
I was talked to about it. I understood their frustration in me holding up the other appts directly after us.
I still was irritated about the whole day by the time we finally made it home. With hungry bellies and ready for naps I just kind of shut down. I could feel it. They were playing sweetly together in the sunroom while I made us some food and I was quiet through out lunch as we all ate.
After laying Vernon down I sat to print out some packing slips and check on what I needed to stitch for my new orders when next thing I know I'm waking up an hour later with Elsie cuddled in next to me on the guest bed.
"I fell asleep?" I couldn't believe it. I had tons of things to get done, orders to start, house to tidy and I hadn't even figured out what I was wearing tonight to my end of the year celebration for our women's study at church.
Suddenly after getting out of my groggy fogginess that one has when falling asleep in the middle of the day, I realized I didn't care.
I have these two sweet babes to enjoy through all the mix-ups and mishaps throughout each day.
They both woke up the same time I did and were so giggly and snuggly.
Who were amazed to hear chirping birdies in our fireplace who have made a home with their new family apparently at the top of the chimney.
Who are the reason I'm home doing what I'm doing anyway.
Daddy just picked them up to take them out to a special dinner (special meaning McDonald's or Chic-fil-A) so I could get ready in a quiet house and practice what I will be sharing in front of all the ladies tonight.
I came on here to print out my notes and then just couldn't help but think about my day. And how I could see the attack I was getting from all ends throughout the day. Coincidence that it is on the same day I was asked to share, I think not? That's how the enemy works, am I right?
I'm so grateful God took hold of my thoughts and gave me rest today. It helped me to slow way down and put things back into perspective.
God is my priority and so is my family. end of story.
So as I sit here typing with curlers in my hair waiting for my pages to print, I ask you that if you read this before 8:00 pm PST I would love to be covered in some prayer as I share with these ladies tonight. Never you mind that I only have a four minute time spot, I'm just as nervous as if it were an hour study I was giving.
Thank you.
Covering you in prayer friend! Can't wait to hug you tomorrow!
prayin' for ya my dear :)
I am reading this 10 days after you blogged, and this was my Saturday. I had so many things running around in my head that had to be done. They either got half done, or put on hold. I too ended up taking a nap. When I woke up, I just gave it over to God. Lord, just work it out on my behalf, I've done all I know to do. Without my knowledge a family member saw my struggle and took it upon themselves to help out! Now I'm ready to start my Monday in a good way!
Romans 8:28 says it all. I bet you did just fine! Stay blessed!
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