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Yesterday the girls and I met up to try something different from our normal monthly gatherings. Our get togethers consist of eating (and lots of it) with some event following, when I say event it can be shopping or whatever. Trying to keep this months "hang out" simple we decided on a craft and brunch day. I originally proposed that everyone bring whatever they wanted to work on, but was inspired by my sister Jenn to make these lovely Yarn Wreaths. After scouring Etsy for inspirations on these bad boys I knew that all the gals would love to make these simple beauties as well. We devoured the most scrumptious food and then quickly dove into a world of creativity and wondrous conversation which in return these babies were born.
Speaking of babies! This is a total side note and ridiculously off subject but forgot to mention that before going to Shan's for gal day I made a quick stop off to meet Olive Audrey, the newest addition to a dear friends family. Bianca had her a mere six weeks ago and both baby and mama looked beautiful. She was so small and precious. Look at her!
Ok now back to our craftiness. These are a few of the end results, seeing how not everyone finished I only have pictured what was completed.
Though these are a bit time consuming, the simplicity and endless possibilities of making them unique to your own taste make them something I think you all should try. If you feel inspired or motivated in the slightest here is the tutorial

1 comment:

jennifer said...

Those look awesome! Proud of you. Is yours the last one? I love it. If not tell who veers it is that I said so.