This has been a very emotional journey for me with her, considering we were pregnant together, knowing are babes would only be a couple months apart was exciting but the fact that we are not living in the same state made it, well, bittersweet. It became even more emotional for me when they called and announced that our nephew had entered the world. Keep in mind we have been referring to him as our nephew since the day they found out it was a boy. They had not agreed on his name for months, and so when they finally made their decision they wanted to keep it a secret until his birth. We respected their decision and hadn't pressed to know, until they called. They went in circles telling us in detail about the labor, his weight, size etc., until finally we got them to tell us his name. I thought they were kidding at first and asked them what his name really was and then they said it again, I seriously had no control of my tears at that point. Again they repeated his name, MICAH CHARLES ENSOR, my heart hit my stomach and was touched beyond measure.
There really isn't much more I can type at this time, as I am getting choked up again. Just know we are beyond thrilled and honored that they paired the name Micah with Jenn's father's name.
We can not wait to meet the new little bundle, we love him oh so much already.
Look at the handsome little prince!

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