It's hard to pinpoint what I felt this weekend, not just because it was my first Mother's Day (which was super exciting) but it was also our sixth year wedding anniversary! I don't feel like I was celebrating either but just celebrating the wonderful life God has blessed us with instead. Micah for weeks has been asking what I want and I really couldn't ask for anything. I'm so happy with our life right now and all of our needs are being taken care of, and most importantly I'm able to be a stay at home mom. That truly is the best gift ever. We had such a great weekend though. My dad and Josh came up to visit, mainly just Elsie and we grilled out and just relaxed. Then Micah and I splurged and enjoyed Blizzards from DQ. Then Sunday after a great church service we headed to the movie theatre and watched Wolverine. Elsie slept through the first half then ate and watched about ten minutes of the movie before getting fussy and needing to be held by her daddy which she immediately fell asleep in his arms. She was precious when she was watching the big screen. Her eyes were big and she was sucking her paci really fast, not sure if she was scared or just not sure what was going on, but she stared intently on the movie for awhile. Then on the way home we stopped and got another blizzard, one, because we had a buy 1 get 1 free coupon but secondly because we are cracking down and starting to eat healthy again. Now that I can work and we have a great schedule with the baby down there is no excuse. After that we came home and we all had an afternoon nap. Then after feeding Elsie around dinner time I ran out to shop while Micah stayed home with her. I picked up In & Out Burger on the way home, like I said, we kind of went all out on junk food knowing healthy habits were just around the corner. Overall I'd say we had a fab Mother's Day/Anniversary weekend! Ya so basically I have photo shoots with Elsie everyday
I need a real copy of the last picture. She is so pretty.
keep up with the photo shoots everyday! Elsie's looking fierce! She already knows how to find the light and smile with her eyes!
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