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Official Blogger

I realized without a MySpace account or a Blog I am completely out of touch with the rest of the world. After countless efforts of trying to create a MySpace page I have come to accept that my own blog will do just fine. I have decided that this will be like a journal for me. I have never really written down my thoughts. I remember trying to start a journal when I was younger, I thought it was cool but it never went anywhere. Just a few years ago I began writing in one. I thought it would be neat for my future children to see what was going on in my life or what major events happened while growing up, (while growing old really.) I actually ran across that journal while preparing for a garage sale just a few months back, and, well...basically there were only four entries and they were boring. We will see how committed I am to actually typing out my thoughts. I have every intention in doing so but I get distracted very easily, especially while on the computer. Even writing this short blog entry has taken me an hour because while typing something, I had a thought which triggered another thought and next thing you know I am shopping online. Not really shopping, more like browsing. Anyway, the point is I will update this as often as I can so stay tuned.


Micah Ensor said...

The blog looks great babe! Im anxious to hear more about what you think about when you are at work.

Ashley said...

Hey love!!! I will make you a myspace if you want me to!! haha!! I made andrew, moms, dads, some of my friends, and non the less mine!!! ;) HEHE Love ya!