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Warmed Soul + Stretchy Pants

I had intended on just posting a few of my favorite pictures from throughout my week because each time I sat down to write, I felt... well, blank. My mind wasn't blank by any means, it has been spinning with thoughts and ideas all week, not about this post but just about life in general. Then my heart was made full twice over and even melted a few times as I watched my littles play together throughout the week. Hearing their sweet giggles and watching them learn to love on one another better blessed me so.
You know how you can hear something said a thousand times in a thousand different ways, but then when you hear it again, and on that particular day for some reason it resonated differently with you?
Like it sunk deep into your soul and stewed there making a nice warm and comforting feeling like after eating the best pot of home cooked soup. And after feeling satisfied you can just snuggle up in your ugly stretchy pants, with mix matched socks and fall asleep mid-day on the couch with your babies because you are filled and feeling at peace.
Well I heard something at bible study on Wednesday that not only sunk deep into my soul but awakened my spirit leaving me feeling at peace and comforted with all the many changes happening all around us.
Through many life experiences I've learned that things will always change, most of them being completely out of our control. They could be big changes, life altering changes, small changes, joyous changes, whatever it may be,  it will happen. Life isn't like the movie Ground Hog Day where we can replay the same day over and over trying to perfect it to make it just what we want it to be. Though some of you may dream of actually being able to perfect your days, never changing a thing: Let me break it to you, it's not going to happen.
Some view change as a bad thing and others embrace the new and move forward. Regardless of the size of the matter of change or your thoughts and emotions behind it, there is one thing we can be certain about that will never change and that is God. I have always heard that. Especially when going through hard times and when what lied ahead seemed uncertain I would be told that no matter what the outcome or how my life would change, I could find comfort knowing that God and His faithfulness would never change or falter. 
Though I have always took comfort in that knowledge something about this week really helped that truth set in. 
It is so big and so wonderful that I can't even grasp how safe I feel in that. God, His word and His Faithfulness will NOT ever change. Like neva, eva! Like Whoa. Think about that, for a minute. We truly have no idea what tomorrow will bring but we do know that God will be in the end result of it all. 

Our families could be gone, but He remain.
Our money could be gone, but He remain.
Our jobs could be gone, but He will remain.
Our fill in the blank could be gone, but He will still remain.

I don't want to cling or hold onto any other truth but that, because that makes me feel so much more confident in Christ. Knowing that my God is bigger and greater than anything, ANYTHING of this world, makes me want to go snuggle up with that big bowl of Peace he just served me and let it digest and rest forever in that. In my stretchy pants of course.
the preggo belly shot above is My best friend Nat and Elsie's sweet little hand is resting there waiting to feel the baby.

**Winner of the Shabby Apple $50 giveaway is Jennifer with comment " I like SA on Facebook a looooong time ago :)"**

Happy Friday friends, I hope you too find comfort in this Truth and can go get into your stretchy pants this weekend and rest!

In the beginning you made the earth secure. You placed it on its foundations. Your hands created the heavens. They will pass away. But you will remain.     They will all wear out like a piece of clothing. You will make them like clothes that are taken off and thrown away. But you remain the same. Your years will never end.
Psalm 102:25-27

linking up with @caseywiegand and @ragstostitches today


Jelli said...

Nat, I really enjoyed your tender mama post. You may not have had an idea of what to write on, but you got it "right" on! The photos are lovely too. Especially enjoyed that you ended the post with scripture. Have a great week. I look forward to seeing you team up with Alissa next week.

Ali Winter said...

such sweet and important reminders on what matters! and i love the stretchy pants!

vintage grey said...

Sweet post and photos!! Hope you have a lovely weekend! xo Heather

Unknown said...

So super sweet!