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Coffee Date with Rags to Stitches

It's Friday peeps and considering how long this week has been, I can't think of a better way to wrap it up by meeting up for a virtual coffee date with you all and hear what you have to share!
I'm stoked to be Co-Hosting with the fab Alissa today, if you haven't checked her blog out, you needs to, mmm-kay.
I know we were supposed to keep our vlogs around 3-4 minutes long but I gave myself a free pass considering I was co-hosting with Alissa this week, so I'll blame going over the time limit to my very sloppy intro in the video. (forgive me for Alissa I totally butchered your coffee date title)
Never you mind my fierce face in the screen shot, it's not that serious I swear. Make sure you hop on over to Alissa's blog afterward to hear what she has to say because I know you'll be encouraged!

vlog from Natalie on Vimeo

So there you have it! I know I rambled on a bit but trust me I could of gone on for days. I hope you will all link up either your vlogs or blog posts on the subject because I'm looking forward to reading (or watching) your tips and ways to be encouraged by what you have to say. 
I'm so blessed to have co-hosted with this girl today!
 If you are joining us for coffee today we please ask that you:
- link directly to your post
- include a link back to mine or Alissa's so others can join us for coffee as well 
- go check out some other friends who have linked up and be encouraged 

make sure you hop on over to Alissa's blog to see what next weeks topic will be!


Nicole @ The Style Hatch said...

Smooch your face. Can we please see each other soon? I miss you so much!!

MOOOOO, hehe

Lauren said...

Love that you co hosted with Alissa today! It was nice to see you in a vlog. :) You're so right about not getting too caught up in the hustle and bustle. We need to remember what Christmas is REALLY about!!

Anonymous said...

I need to gain the you know what to make my own vlog. I AM NERVOUS!

Julie Marie said...

This actually brought tears to my eyes, girl. i like how we don't make a priority what our priorities are. Its so true and Ive done that too where I put my time with God off because I am too busy, but in actuality when i spend time with him, no matter how busy the rest of my day is, it seems to go so much better!!

Brittany Walsh said...

I really enjoyed what you had to say in your vlog. You truly challenged me to make sure I keep my priorities straight, especially during the busy holiday season.

Thanks for sharing your heart, it sure did touch mine! :)

New follower here :)