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weekend events

I know it's Tuesday and I'm just getting around to talking about the weekend but yesterday didn't really involve the computer much, nor did it involve changing out of my pi's.

It was one of those lots of coloring, chalk drawing, book reading, how much fruit and pretzels can me and the babes consume because I forgot to buy bread to go with the new peanut butter and jelly and I'm not running back out to the store kind of day.

I came onto the computer twice to post but felt more like cuddling on the couch with Micah when he came home.

I had no words and was still soaking in the great weekend that had just passed and put packing for our upcoming trip out of my mind.

I attended the Elevate Blog Conference on Saturday and can't believe I'm admitting that I didn't use my own camera... not even once. So I will shamelessly have to steal borrow from other blogs when I write a post about how awesome the event was. I had no idea what to expect from this experience and honestly I didn't expect to be so good. But it was, and I made some rad new friends, including Miss April from The Gingerbread Blog, who I'm borrowing a photo from to give you a glimpse of what the event was like.
 Sunday was one of the best Sundays we've had in awhile. All up in time and ready to go out to eat for breakfast, on time for church, no meltdowns, no fuss. After Vernon's nap we headed to one of our closest friends house were we met up with the whole gang. 
It was so wonderful to be around our closet friends

where there was lots of:
home made ice cream eating
kids playing
Kate had a genius idea for me to bring my remote in attempts to get a group shot of us all together, because I don't think one exists.
and, well... trying to get a good shot of this group was like trying to take a decent shot of 20 toddlers 

I love these peeps! They are true gems.


April said...

Shut the front door you are so sweet! Looks like you have awesome friends, gems for sure! Cant wait to see you for your awesome event! xoxo

vintage grey said...

What a beautiful Sunday you had! Great photos, and your kiddos are just so sweet! Love your dress, too! Happy new week! xo Heather

Kate Snow said...

Group pics turned out so good! I love Alyson's face in them. Such a fun day.

laura said...

what a SUPER fun looking weekend!!!!

The Four on Board said...

what a cute post! your group of friends looks adorable!

Unknown said...

Love your dress!

molly june. said...

what a fun wkend!
miss you friend.
and killer dress, for sure.