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Catch up

I know, I know I didn't have a Monday tip this week but I have something even better for you today. Pictures of the babes and updates on the goings on.

So lets see there has been...

 visits from Uncle Greggy
Story Time at our local library (which I'm kind of obsessed with and have made it our Thursday morning gig)
Sunbathing or shall I say sun reading
Science Museum with Grandma, Grandpa & Uncle Greggy
Mommie and Elsie time (which translates to us going to get naughty treats without the boys)
Yes I'm a little more excited about the ice cream than she is, don't judge.
growing, lots of growing...
Elsie growing to love her baby brother more and more each day

we started growing the garden...but that deserves it's own blog post so no pictures of that.
shopping with Aunt Nat
shopping with just the babes
lots of shopping
This is how I roll now

Hope life is as wonderful for all of you as it is for me.

1 comment:

jennifer said...

Missing you all a lot today. May 28 can't come quick enough. (Even though it means my baby will be 2 the next day)