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Influence Meet and Greet

I know I have mentioned the Influence Conference I'm attending in just a matter of weeks once or twice already but for those who have no idea what I'm referring to you can check out the Influence blog here, but to sum up the basis of the Conference I will just give you a snippet from it's website.

"If you’ve ever wondered how or why the Lord was going to use you in your home, work, community, or online – Influence is a fantastic place to connect and learn. We believe that God has given you influence right where you are, for one purpose: to make much of Him. At Influence we’re going to dig into the common thread of all of us – the Good News. We plan on doing a little teaching, talking, sharing, and celebrating concerning the ways He might want to use you on the individual platforms He’s given."

Super awesome right? I know I can hardly wait to fly to Indiana and meet up with my roomies! 
So a few of the gals have put together a little "get to know" you link up party for all of us attending and so this is what they asked us to share about ourselves.
  • 3 get-to-know-you things
  • 2 things you're looking forward to about the conference
  • 1 thing you can't leave home without
So let's do this!

Three Get to know me things...

1. Okay I know this may sound crazy but I am a morning and a night kinda girl. Like I will be up chatting and giggling before the mere hour that we need to get up. Though I will be crazy tired the next morning as long as this girl has a GOOD cup of joe and a pastry treat I'll be good to go. So basically watch out roomies!

2. I love any and everything Fall. My birthday falls right after fall starts so inevitably I love all things pumpkin and spice. Since Southern Cali doesn't get that crisp Autumn chill as quickly as everyone else in the country does, you better believe I'm bringing' scarfs, boots and crocheted hats in hopes that I can rock them there. You can also believe this Californian will have a pair, or two of sunglasses :)

3. I love to meet new people. In church, out and about, in social functions. Seriously, I love to know your story and what makes up you and so you know this is going to flow right into the next portion of this meet and greet but before I get there please note that I am a hugger, not a creepy one that just walks up and hugs you before even getting the basics down of our new friendship but you better believe before we part you'll probably get a warm embrace.

Two things you're looking forward to...

1. So like I mentioned above, I love meeting new people, but what I love even more is the thought of seeing all the lovely faces of everyone I have bonded with already online or the ones who have inspired me in some way. I seriously can't wait to see all you pretties face to face in hopes that we will learn together, grow together and get inspired by one another as we attend this amazing conference and listen to some amazing speakers together! So come say hi I would love to get to know you in person. 

2. I'm not gonna lie, I'm stoked about the roomie sitch. Shackin' up with four other fab girls for the long weekend is going to be off the chain.(yes there are five girls in our room and yes it is going to get cray cray up in there) Seriously I'm so looking forward to awkward morning wake-ups, with sleepy cranky faces all trying to get ready together each day (I mentioned there's five of us right? Besides me it's Nicole, Jenna, Erin and Ginny! I can guarantee our room will be the one with only one mirror, watch I know it!) and then hopefully getting to know all of them better each night as we party like it's 1999 (you know that just means lots of sour candy accompanied by lots of talking)

One thing I can't leave home without...

I thought about this and was like my wallet, no mascara for sure, no my eyelash curler, no lip gloss and realized I have left home without any of those things in tow but still managed to have my iPhone on me so I'm going to go with iPhone. 
That sounds so boring but it's true if I have that I'm invincible. I can take photos, call who I need to, even pay for things with it these days. So yeah, iPhone annnnnd sunglasses. Maybe sunglasses should win this.

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If you are going to the Conference and haven't already make sure to link up here! Can't wait for this girls, it's going to be awesome!


Annie said...

okay, i can already tell from this post and this tweet that you and i are going to be friends! you and i function pretty much the same in terms of staying up late and being up the next morning exhausted but fairly functional. i also love fall! i live in MI and october is usually perfect fall weather, so definitely bring your scarves, boots, and hats!

i'm excited to meet you, Nat!

courtney {splendid actually} said...

CANNOT. WAIT. to meet you. agree with Annie up there ^. i want fall weather to last all year because scarves + boots are my fav.

this conference is gonna be awesome.

Christie@EyesOnSparrow said...

Hi! Found you from the Influence Link Up. Love your blog, love how peppy you are, and excited to meet you at conference!! I, too, can't go anywhere with out sunglasses and my iPhone. :) See you soon! XO Christie

Unknown said...

Nat - I can only imagine how contagious your sweet personality is IN REAL LIFE! You always sound so fun and genuine on your blog. So I just can't wait to meet you in person! Such a beauty inside & out. :) ~Bri~

Unknown said...

You are going to be a bright part of the conference, I can tell. So fun! :)

Brooke said...

You sound like such a cool person! I'm a hugger, too! :)

amanda said...

I heart fall. And also - I adore your shop. I think embroidery hoops might be my new love language. Looking forward to seeing you soon! xo

Nicole said...

Woot!! We're gonna have such a great time fighting over the mirror! So excited to see you and give you a big hug! It's gonna be so much fun! xo

Trina said...

Fall birthdays are the best! I don't get into pumpkin spice lattes, but almost every birthday since I was 3 I've had a pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting--yum!

Thank you for your sweet comment! Look forward to meeting you!